古典吧>英语词典>sticky tape翻译和用法

sticky tape

英 [ˈstɪki teɪp]

美 [ˈstɪki teɪp]

n.  透明胶带


  • 透明胶带
    Sticky tapeis clear sticky tape that is sold in rolls and that you use, for example to stick paper or card together, or to stick things onto a wall.
    1. in AM, use 美国英语用 Scotch tape


    • As the McCain aircraft descended towards Allentown, Pennsylvania, for a campaign rally on the 8 OCT, a lifesize cardboard cutout of the candidate at the front of the press cabin crumpled to the floor. An aide armed with sticky tape reattached it.
    • In his electric vessel, gauges and air pressure dials were screwed to the cabin wall above plastic piping that would look appropriate beneath a kitchen sink, while handwritten operating instructions were stuck up with sticky tape.
    • I also recommend using velcro and double sided sticky tape often as it allows you to make modifications easily.
    • We use sticky paper tape to stick things together.
    • Years earlier, Frei had identified pollens from this same plant on his sticky tape slides.
    • The exploitation and application of the fluorescent powders for developing fingerprints on the sticky surface of adhesive tape
    • Hold together the wings with a piece of sticky tape.
    • Only fibrils lifted from the shroud on sticky tape were tested for blood.
    • Fast Change the Powerful Sticky Tape Transporter With Fire-Retardant and Steel Wire Rope
    • I noted with satisfaction that the ants were still swarming around the sticky tape without being able to do anything about it. Similarly charged colloidal particles cannot come close enough together to agglomerate into larger particles.